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Colorado State University's Athletic and Academic All-American Hall of Fame

Exhibition: CSU Hall of Fame Exhibit Renovation

Facility: Colorado State University
Focus: University
Collaborating Organization(s): Pacific Studio, Populous Design

Description and goals

Colorado State University’s Hall of Fame desired an interactive, multi-screen, touch interactive to provide information on the inductees.

As part of a large renovation project fabricated and installed by Pacific Studio and designed by Populous Design, CSU required two interactive touch screen programs for visitors to access their database of Athletic Hall of Fame and Academic All-American Hall of Fame inductees. The Athletic Hall of Fame program uses two stacked 46 inch displays (for a total screen resolution of 1920×2160), one being a touch screen display. By navigating the program using the lower touch screen the inductee information and graphics are displayed across both of the displays. Inductee information includes achievements, biographical information, photographs and video files. The program has an easy to use backend so that staff can make updates as new inductees are added.

The Academic All-American Hall of Fame touch screen program provides the same information and functionality but was designed for single 46 inch touch screen.

A custom animated attract loop was created that runs when the programs are inactive. The attract loop displays the CSU Ram head along with a moving
background and lighting effects.

Project Details:
Two stations, two 46 inch LCD displays each (one touch screen per station)
146 inductees searchable by name, sport or year
12 sports categories
4 decades of inductees

Call:  973-882-9411 (NJ)
Text:  973-910-1140

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